< Conditional markup | + | Page text variables >
This page describes the "variables" that are associated with pages. Page variables have the form {$variable}
, and can be used in page markup or in certain formatting strings in PmWiki. For example, the markup "{$Group}
" renders in this page as "PmWiki".
Note that these variables do not necessarily exist in the PHP code, because they have to be determined for a specific page. (However, they are usable in FmtPageName strings.)
There is also the form {pagename$variable}
, which returns the value of the variable for another page. For example, "{MarkupMasterIndex$Title}
" displays as "<img src="110" height="41" alt="Markup"> <img src="
97" height="41" alt="Master"> <img src="
82" height="41" alt="Index">".

Special referenced variables are used to specify the context of the variable when:
- the variable is included into a destination (target) page
- the variable is used in a sidebar, header, or footer
Prefixing the variable name with an asterisk (*) means the variable's value is related to the target page or main (body) page.
- prefixed by an asterisk (*) - value reflects target page context*$
Without the asterisk the variable's value is that in the page from which it originates, eg source page of include, sidebar, or header or footer.
- retains value in source page context$
For example you can test to see if the page is part of another page
(:if ! name {$FullName}:) |
or refer to the main page in a sidebar, footer, or header
This page is [[{*$FullName}]] | This page is PmWiki.PageVariables |

The page variables defined for PmWiki are:
- page's url action argument, as in "browse"
- page's "base" form (stripping any prefixes or suffixes defined via $BaseNamePatterns
) as in "PmWiki.PageVariables"
- default group name, as in "Main"
- name of default page, as in "`Hauptseite"
- page's description from the (:description:)
markup, as in "Documentation for "variables" that are associated with pages."
- page's full name, as in "PmWiki.PageVariables"
- page's group name, as in "PmWiki"
- spaced group name, as in "Pm Wiki"
- date page was edited, as in "10.11.2014 08:16 Uhr"
- page's last editor, as in "Petko"
- IP of page's last editor, as in ""
- Summary from last edit, as in "$FmtPV
['$Var'] = $_REQUEST['Var']; # critically insecure"
- time page was edited in unix-style timestamp, as in "1415603781"
and other date/time markups.
- page name, as in "PageVariables"
- spaced page name, as in "Page Variables"
- page's url, as in "https://www.sundawn.net/PmWiki/PageVariables"
- "read" permissions for the page e.g. "(protected)"
- "edit" permissions for the page e.g. "(protected)"
- "attr" permissions for the page e.g. "(protected)"
- page requested in URL, used on Site.PageNotFound. e.g. "PmWiki/PageVariables"
- default group name for e.g. RecentChanges, as in "Site"
- page title (may differ from Name), as in "<img src="

- either the page title (if defined), or the spaced page name, as in "<img src="

In addition to the above, there are some page-invariant variables available through this markup:
- the name of the person currently interacting with the site, as in ""
- current authenticated id, as in "" note the lower case 'd'.
- PmWiki version, as in "pmwiki-2.2.72"
- The internal version number, as in "2002072"
- The url to the pmwiki script, as in "https://www.sundawn.net"

The form {pagename$variable}
or some PageLists, can display the values for other pages, regardless of the password protections.
If the other pages are protected and the visitor has no read permissions, PageVariables, unlike PageTextVariables, normally display the values. While most variables do not contain sensitive information, some of them could do: $Title, $Description and those starting with $LastModified.
Administrators and module developers can redefine the sensitive page variables to respect authentications, by using the "$authpage" variable instead of "$page" in the definition. The following snippet can be added in local/config.php -- it will rewrite the default possibly sensitive definitions to the secure ones.
foreach($FmtPV as $k=>$v) { if(preg_match('/^\\$(Title(spaced)?|LastModified(By|Host|Summary|Time)?|Description)$/', $k)) $FmtPV[$k] = str_replace('$page', '$authpage', $v); }

You may add custom page variables as a local customization. In a local configuration file or a recipe script, use the variable $FmtPV
$FmtPV['$VarName'] = "'variable definition'"; $FmtPV['$CurrentSkin'] = '$GLOBALS["Skin"]'; $FmtPV['$WikiTitle'] = '$GLOBALS["WikiTitle"]';
Defines new Page Variable of name $CurrentSkin, which can be used in the page with {$CurrentSkin}
(also for Conditional markup). It's necessary to use the single quotes nested inside double-quotes as shown above (preferred) or a double-quoted string nested inside single-quotes like '"this"'
Please note that the values of the elements of $FmtPV
are eval()
ed so always sanitize any user input. The following is very insecure:
$FmtPV['$Var'] = $_REQUEST['Var'];
# critically insecure, allows PHP code injection
You should sanitize the user input to contain only expected values, or make sure the value is a quoted string, for example:
# we only expect numeric values of Var $FmtPV['$Var'] = intval($_REQUEST['Var']); # properly escaped quoted string. $FmtPV['$Var'] = '"'. addslashes($_REQUEST['Var']) . '"';

- Cookbook:More custom page variables
- PmWiki.Variables — about variables internal to PmWiki.
- PmWiki.MarkupMasterIndex — complete list of PmWiki markups.
- PageTextVariables — page variables automatically made available through natural page markup or explicit page markup within the wiki text of the page.
- PmWiki.Markup Expressions — markup expressions can manipulate page variables
Is there a variable like $LastModified, but which shows me the creation time?
No, but you can create one in config.php. For instance:
# add page variable {$PageCreationDate} in format yyyy-mm-dd $FmtPV['$PageCreationDate'] = 'strftime("%Y-%m-%d", $page["ctime"])';
If you like the same format that you define in config.php with $TimeFmt
$FmtPV['$Created'] = "strftime(\$GLOBALS['TimeFmt'], \$page['ctime'])";
How can I test if a variable is set and/or not empty?
Use (:if ! equal "{$Variable}" "":) $Variable is not empty. (:ifend:)
. Note that undefined/inexistent variables appear as empty ones.
< Conditional markup | + | Page text variables >
This page may have a more recent version on pmwiki.org: PmWiki:PageVariables, and a talk page: PmWiki:PageVariables-Talk.