This form is displayed when form=#mailform
is displayed by a pmform target.
[[#mailform]] (:template defaults successpage='' :) (:input pmform target={$$target} successpage={$$versendet} :) (:input default request=1:) (:messages:) ||width='' ||$[Deine Email Adresse]: ||(:input text from size=30:) || ||$[Betreff]: ||(:input text subject size=30:) || $[Nachricht]:\\ (:input textarea text rows=8 cols=60:)\\ {$Captcha} (:input captcha:) \\ (:input submit name=post value='$[Absenden]':) (:input end:) [[#mailformend]]

This specifies the message to be sent when fmt=#mailpost
is given by a pmform target. It verifies the existence of a from address, subject, and message text.
[[#mailpost]] (:template require from errmsg="$[Keine Absenderadresse, bitte Deine Email eingeben.]" :) (:template require subject errmsg="$[Kein Betreff, bitte einen Betreff eingeben]" :) (:template require text errmsg="$[Kein Nachrichtentext]" :) (:template require if="captcha" errmsg="$[<red>Captcha nicht eingegeben, oder falsch</red>]" :) [[<<]] {$$text} ========== Sent via PmForm at {$$PageUrl} [[#mailpostend]]

[[#commentform]] (:input pmform target=comments:) (:input default request=1:) (:input default author "{$Author}" :) '''Post a comment:''' (:messages:) Name: (:input text author:) \\ Comments: \\ (:input textarea text rows=10 cols=40:) \\ (:input submit name=post value="$[Post]" :) (:input end:) [[#commentformend]]

[[#talkpost]] (:template defaults where=above :) (:template require author errmsg="$[Missing name]":) >>talkpost<< -> Posted by {$$author} on {$$CurrentTime} {$$text} >><< [[#talkpostend]]