Snippets Support > Snippets > Delete
Here is a form to delete pages. Just enter a name from the list below.
Deleted pages are renamed with a ",del" extension in your wiki.d folder and can be restored by an admin.
You can delete (destroy) multiple pages by entering them as a CSV list. ie: (:zap delete="Group1.Name1,Group2.Name2":). To delete (or destroy) an entire group, use "group=<GroupName>" for the delete or destroy value.
ex: (:zap delete="group=Files":).
Be very careful with this command!
Delete: | |
(:zap if="exists Demo-Files.{deletepage} ? delete=Demo-Files.{deletepage}":) (:zap if2="! pagefmt {deletepage} ? warn=Invalid page format":)(:zap warn="":)(:zap delete="":)(:zapend:)