Documentation Support > Developers? > ZAPPageShortcuts
Format: function ZAPpageshortcuts($v, $f)
Explanation: This function is called by many other functions in ZAP, to resolve pagenames for various purposes. Here are some of the steps it takes.
1) If $f equals datapage, checks to make sure it was not originally a POST value (ie that it was set by a session variable).
2) If blank or no group is indicated, $pagename is returned.
3) The pagename is stripped down to Group, Name, and GET values.
4) Each instance of {Field} in $v is replaced by the corresponding GET value, or '' if a GET value cannot be found.
5) The following shortcuts are replaced with their corresponding values: * ^ @ $ + ~ ! #. See the PageShortcuts page for more details.
6) Finally, PmWiki's MakePageName() is called to make up any deficiencies in the resulting page name.
The finished product is sent back to the calling function.