Documentation Support > Extensions? > Markups
In the ZAP Toolbox, you will find number of extensions to Pm's new markup expression recipe, useful in various ZAP applications. These markups can be used both in forms, and many other purposes--such as in conditionals or in the page display. Some of these important extensions the ZAPtoolbox offers includes:
# of pages in current group (groupheaders, etc excluded).
{(count Group|Main,Test)}
# of page in specified group, Main and Test page also excluded.
thread for current group.
{(thread Group)}
thread for specified group.
random # between 10000 and 99999, all instances on same page = same number.
{(captcha #1|#2)}
random # between #1 & #2 if not already set on page.
{(ftime fmt)}
various options for changing current or other timestamp and formatting also takes normal english phrases and can convert to timestamp. Many options.
{(math (2+3)*7/4)}
Returns 8.75.
{(substr abcdefgh,2,3)}
Returns bcd. Can take various other php command defined in list: default includes
substr, strpos, strtotime, strftime, date, crypt, random.
{(source Group.Name#ID123)}
Returns source code for that page, and that section if specified. Put a + before Group.Name to eliminate trailing textarea.
{(code 243523453245324)}
Decodes the ZAP encoded string if an admin or page name equals member name.
{(attr description)}
Returns the description attibute. Can also give title, keywords or passwords, if authorized.
{(server ip)}
Returns ip address of visitor. Other SERVER var's available include return (referrer link), browser, secure (true/false), and host.
{(list {$:mylist} '[[~{item}]]^[[<<]]')}
Converts the CSV text var mylist into a nicely formatted list of links to their profile pages. Can be configured many ways.
{(pagelist group=Test)}
Automatically converts to indicated PmWiki directive and processes. Useful for putting in ZAPforms/text vars. Allowable directives include: table, tableend, cell, cellnr, include, if, pagelist, input, zapform, zap, zapend, messages, redirect.
Using ZAP variables
Because you can insert page or text variables into ZAPvariables, they work extra well with ZAP forms. For example, you could save a forum post submission with a timestamp field, and then display it as a date or time, in any format (or multiple formats) by inserting that field into the {(time)} markup. Or for another example, you could use the {(count)} markup in a conditional to allow new members to join a class (by creating an enrollment page in some group), and then cut off enrollment after the class size gets to 10. The possibilities are endless...